FOATZ Initiatives
The Foundation for Organic Agriculture Tanzania’s initiatives focus on three main areas:
the School Garden Program, support for small farmers, and a comprehensive training program.
Bridging Organic Agriculture Across Borders
Foundation For Organic Agriculture Tanzania (FOATZ): Bridging Organic Agriculture Across Borders
Importance of Using Clay Stove
FOATZ Chief Executive Officer—Operations Michael Gomela is talking about the importance of using a clay stove.
Organic Agriculture at Venite Secondary School in Njombe, Tanzania
At Venite Secondary School in Njombe, Tanzania, a unique and inspiring initiative has taken root: students actively engage in organic farming agriculture under their teachers, Mr. Mwinuka and Mr. Mgina.
Contact Us
Address: P.O BOX 1310
Phone: +255-784-661-651 Tanzania
Phone: +255-716-712-020 Tanzania
Phone: +1-647-248-3205 Canada
Phone: +44-671-964-0112 United Kingdom